Message from the Registrar

The Teachers Council of Malawi was instituted through the Education Act of 2013, a significant legislative measure aimed at overseeing the teaching profession within Malawi. Its core objective is to uphold professional and ethical standards through transparent regulations, thereby enhancing the quality of education across schools and colleges.

Agenda 2063 underscores the indispensable role of an educated and skilled human capital in achieving developmental milestones. Central to this vision is the pivotal role of teachers in imparting knowledge. Hence, fostering a cadre of proficient educators is imperative for advancing educational outcomes. However, the prevalence of misconduct among some educators, such as abuse of learners, absenteeism, and inadequate preparation, underscores the urgency for the Council’s intervention in purifying the teaching profession.

It is disconcerting that individuals without the requisite qualifications are assuming teaching roles, adversely affecting educational quality. Gone are the days when teaching was a casual pursuit; now, stringent registration and licensing procedures will be enforced to weed out unqualified practitioners. Consequently, elevating the standard of education hinges on the presence of qualified educators in classrooms.

Acknowledging that teachers are the bedrock of equitable and quality education, the Council commits to their comprehensive support, including training, recruitment, fair remuneration, and motivation. Emphasizing professional development, the Council will orchestrate programs geared towards enhancing teachers’ knowledge, skills, and proficiency in their profession.

I extend an earnest appeal to all governmental bodies and stakeholders invested in education to collaborate closely with the Council. Together, we can foster a culture of professionalism in the teaching fraternity, bolstering public confidence in educators.

Lastly, the Council pledges its unwavering dedication to its mandate, assuring the Ministry of its steadfast commitment to empowering teachers. By championing professionalism and safeguarding educators’ rights, the Teachers’ Council of Malawi endeavors to propel teaching and teacher education to greater heights, amplifying their influence and efficacy.

Grace Mphandamkoko

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